Poke Your Heart Out… with Candy Corn Cake

Confession time: I am obsessed with candy corn. And, as you already know, I am also a big fan of cakes and baking. So, when I saw a recipe for candy corn poke cake, I immediately knew I had to make it. And it turned out that it was actually the first opportunity that Alexis and I have ever had to bake together! It was lots of fun. This cake is very easy to make, but it involves a lot of time in the fridge, so plan ahead! If you want to have it at night, make it that morning. But it’s delicious and kids (and kids at heart) will love “poking” the cake! Totally worth the extra time – about 1 hour to make and 6 hours in fridge. Continue reading

Tropical Paradise Three-Layer Cake – for Halloween!

photo 1Looking for a Halloween recipe? Look no further! Although this recipe for what I’m going to call my Tropical Paradise Three-Layer Cake technically has nothing to do with the spooky holiday, it does come out in orange, and if you put a “spider web” on top like I did, it will be perfect and the kids will love it! This cake, adapted from The Dinner Doctor, is easy and simple. I also made my own icing, but you could go with plain store-bought vanilla.

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I’ll Be a (Blue) Monkey’s Uncle!

When Alexis and I first came up with the idea for the Brunching Beauties blog, one of our first orders of business was to make a list of restaurants with inexpensive brunches. First we wrote down all the places we were already familiar with, even if we hadn’t yet brunched there, then we did some Googling. Last Sunday we decided to try the Blue Monkey Tavern in Merchantville, an establishment that neither of us had any experience with whatsoever, which the Internet had recommended.

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“Pizza Logic” Makes Me Crazy

Get ready, readers, a rant is coming. First of all, sorry for not posting in a little while… we were having some technical issues with the wordpress site. But that’s not why I’m mad. On an evening in late September, I went to Pizza Logic, formerly Montagnaro’s, in Marlton, and I was not pleased after finishing my meal. I have no pictures because I wasn’t planning on using this outing for a post, but I walked out of the restaurant so upset that I feel I have to warn our readers not to venture to Pizza Logic, because you might just go crazy.

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