Ri Ra: An Irish Breakfast

Ri ra roe rum, make me some brunch or I’ll slap your bum! After a long night out for Alexis’ 24th birthday at the Tropicana Hotel in Atlantic City, we woke up in the morning (okay, early afternoon) ready to chow down. We headed down to the lobby and almost passed out – due to joy – when we saw a sign for brunch outside of Ri Ra, an Irish pub located in the Tropicana.

My omelet (sorry the picture is so bad, the restaurant was very dark!)

My omelet (sorry the picture is so bad, the restaurant was very dark!)

The place was pretty empty, which was nice because we had just gone through the madness of trying to check out at the same time as everyone else. Our waiter actually had an Irish accent, so that added a nice touch. We joked that he was probably hired based on the accent alone.

The four of us just ordered water to drink, and were happy when our food came out fairly quickly. Jeff and I both ordered omelets, which came with home fries and toast. He had American cheese, sausage and avocado in his, and I had American cheese, ham, and tomato in mine. Brian went for the pub cheeseburger with bacon, and Alexis decided to go all-out and order the fish and chips.

Brian's Burger, no bacon

Brian’s Burger, no bacon

Although my omelet was good, I couldn’t taste the cheese at all, they might have even forgotten it. I also thought the potatoes were over-spiced, although maybe that’s just the way they do it in Ireland(?). I cleaned my plate; the portion size was just right. Jeff liked his omelet and also agreed the portion size was right on target, but was also disappointed with the potatoes. He said he would have preferred wedges. Brian said his burger was “eh” especially because they forgot the bacon he ordered with it, but they also didn’t charge us for it. He said there wasn’t much cheese on it either (what is with this place being stingy with the cheese?!). But Alexis was very satisfied with her fish and chips. She said it wasn’t too greasy or fishy and she was the only one who had food to take home.

Fish and chips for days

Fish and chips for days

This place was definitely exactly what we wanted when we woke up this morning, and the food wasn’t too overpriced, especially being that it is in a casino. However, the food could have been a little bit better. They get extra points for the Irish waiter, though.

Ri Ra Brunch Hours: Saturday and Sunday 10-4

Julie’s Check = $11 (omelet)

Service = 4 out of 5 champagne clinks

Julie’s Food = 3.5 out of 5 champagne clinks

A Beauties’ Bargain? = 3.5 out of 5 champagne clinks

Overall Experience = 3.5 out of 5 champagne clinks


The group last night celebrating Alexis’ birthday. She’s in gold and I’m in black, third from right.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the few months absence. Alexis has decided that with her new full-time job, she cannot spend energy on this blog. But, she will continue to brunch with me, and I will continue to write!

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